Hot Tub Soak: A Comfort or Concern When Sick?

By Shawn T

May 25, 2023

hot tub while sick

sick man deciding whether to get in the hot tub

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Hello there, dear reader! Ever caught yourself contemplating a good soak in the hot tub while nursing a cold or the flu? It’s something that we’ve all mulled over, especially during those frigid winter months when our noses are stuffier than a Thanksgiving turkey. But the real question that bubbles to the surface is – is a hot tub soak beneficial or harmful when you’re under the weather? Well, hold on to your rubber duckies, because we’re about to dive right into the ‘hot tub when sick’ conundrum.

The “Hot Tub When Sick” Debate

Immersion in the Hot Debate

The ‘hot tub when sick’ debate is as heated as the water in question. There are two camps here – the ‘yea-sayers’ and the ‘nay-sayers’. The yea-sayers believe in the comforting warmth and therapeutic benefits of a hot tub, while the nay-sayers caution against potential health risks. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Benefits of the Hot Tub Soak: The Yea-Sayers’ Perspective

Hot tub enthusiasts swear by the numerous benefits of a good soak. Here’s what they have to say about hot tub usage when you’re sick.

Relief for Achy Muscles:

Sickness, especially fever, can cause your body to ache like you’ve just run a marathon (while being chased by a bear). A hot tub can provide temporary relief for these aching muscles.

Sinus Decongestion:

With the steam rising like a mystic potion, a hot tub can act as a decongestant, freeing up your stuffy nose and helping you breathe a little easier.

Improved Sleep:

The soothing warmth of the hot tub may aid in better sleep, something that your body needs desperately when fighting off illness.

Risks of the Hot Tub Soak: The Nay-Sayers’ Argument

The nay-sayers, on the other hand, argue that taking a hot tub when sick might be more trouble than it’s worth. Their points of contention are:

Dehydration Risk:

Illness, particularly fever, can cause dehydration. Prolonged soaking in a hot tub can exacerbate this situation.

Spread of Infection:

If you’re suffering from a contagious illness, you could potentially spread it to others sharing the tub.

Fluctuating Body Temperature:

The hot tub’s warmth could potentially elevate your already high body temperature during a fever, which might not be beneficial.

When is a “Hot Tub When Sick” a Good Idea?

So, under what circumstances can you consider a hot tub when sick? Here’s the lowdown.

For Minor Ailments

When dealing with minor ailments like a common cold, a hot tub can provide symptomatic relief. It can help decongest your blocked sinuses and provide temporary relief for aching muscles.

In Moderation

A quick dip might be alright, but avoid prolonged soaking to reduce the risk of dehydration or overheating.

When to Avoid the “Hot Tub When Sick”

Now, let’s chat about when you should steer clear of that hot tub when you’re feeling under the weather.

In Case of Fever

If you’ve got a fever, it’s best to give the hot tub a miss. You don’t want to elevate your body temperature further or risk dehydration.

If You’re Contagious

If what’s got you down is contagious, such as a viral infection, it’s best to avoid a hot tub, especially if you share it with others.

The Middle Ground: Hot Tub Safety Tips When Sick

If you’re still leaning towards that hot tub, here are some safety tips to ensure you get the most out of it without compromising your health.

  • Limit your soaking time to avoid dehydration and overheating.
  • Make sure the tub is clean to avoid any potential bacterial infection.
  • Keep yourself hydrated before, during, and after your soak.
  • Monitor your body’s response during and after the hot tub soak. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or excessively hot, get out immediately.


1. Can a hot tub help with congestion when sick?

Yes, the steam from a hot tub can help decongest a stuffy nose, offering temporary relief from congestion.

2. Is it safe to use a hot tub when I have a fever?

Generally, it’s not recommended to use a hot tub when you have a fever as it could elevate your body temperature further and increase the risk of dehydration.

3. Can I spread my illness in a shared hot tub?

If you have a contagious illness, there’s a possibility you could spread it in a shared hot tub, especially if it’s not properly cleaned and disinfected.

4. How long should I stay in a hot tub when I’m sick?

It’s best to limit your time to avoid overheating or dehydration. Always listen to your body and get out if you start to feel unwell.

5. Can a hot tub improve my sleep when sick?

The soothing warmth of a hot tub can potentially aid in better sleep when you’re sick.

6. Should I clean the hot tub after I use it while I’m sick?

Yes, if you’re suffering from a contagious illness, it’s considerate and hygienic to clean the tub after use to prevent the spread of germs.

Final Thoughts

The ‘hot tub when sick’ dilemma boils down to one thing – your personal comfort and safety. While a hot tub can provide some symptomatic relief, it’s critical to consider the potential risks and follow safety guidelines. Always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you’re unsure. Remember, when you’re feeling under the weather, there’s nothing quite like a good rest, a hot cup of tea, and some tender loving care!

We're hot tub enthusiasts, not professionals! The content on is meant for informational purposes only and shouldn't be considered professional advice. For technical or health-related concerns, consult a qualified professional. Also, we may earn a commission from purchases made through affiliate links on our site, which helps us to continue to provide quality hot tub information. Happy soaking!
